Director and the Executive director
Director CECA
Executive Director CECA
Group Photo for Guests and CECA members
Kayondo Ibrahim - Chairman UBDA
mutemo Chales Ministry of Works and transport
Team from Lugujja Community Health caring Organization
Team from ministry of Water and Envroment
Dr. Daniel Okello - Derictor of public health services and enviroment at Kcca
Dr. Daniel Okello - Derictor of public health services and enviroment at Kcca launching the save the enviroment from plastic waste campaign
Dr. Daniel Okello - Derictor of public health services and enviroment at Kcca, With the directors of CECA after launching the save the enviroment from plastic waste campaign
Lydia Kyotalimye - MoWe
Maureen Anino - ministry of water and Enviroment
CECA team and some taxi drivers awareness drive
CECA team on awareness drive